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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week22 (September 10-16 2024)

Topic: Human Resources (HR)
Lesson: Interviews

This week we are looking at useful language when describing people’s skills and characteristics, which is very useful when hiring staff or delegating.

Part 1: Education and work history
Whether applying for a job, trying to be chosen for a special assignment or project, or just making small talk, it’s important to be able to talk about your education and work history.

Part 2: Choosing appropriate words to describe yourself
Write a + for good choices and a – for bad choices

Part 3A: Interview questions
What would be good responses to the common interview questions?

Part 3B: Interview roleplay
Choose a job and practice interviewing for it. One student will be the interviewer and the other will be the interviewee. The interviewer must choose three or four questions from Part 3A. Try to use vocabulary from today’s lesson.

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