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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week21 (September 3-9 2024)

Topic: Human Resources (HR)
Lesson: Skills and characteristics

This week we are looking at language for describing people’s skills and characteristics, which is very useful when hiring staff or delegating.

Part 1: Describing character, performance, and skills
Workers are usually assessed by their character, performance, and skills. There are many ways, both positive and negative, to describe these qualities. 

Part 2: Describing coworkers
It is possible to describe the same qualities a worker has in different ways. Look at the example along with the rephrased description. Although the descriptions are different, each says the same things about someone.

Part 3: Choosing the right candidate
With the class, discuss the characteristics and skills someone should have for the jobs. Try using some patterns to express your opinions.

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