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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week18 (August 8-14 2024)

Topic: Meeting & Discussions
Lesson: Opinions

This week we are looking at how to express our opinions in meetings and have discussions about business topics.

Part1: Sharing your opinion
Sharing your opinion is important during meetings and discussions. Your ideas could help people or colleagues, or save the company time and money.

Part 2: Giving ideas and making suggestions
Making suggestions is important, especially when solving problems. Here are some ways to give suggestions:

Part 3: Asking others for their opinions
We are going to look at asking others for their opinions and keeping the discussion going.

Part 4: Time for a meeting
Your CEO (the teacher) has called a meeting to discuss expanding your business. The CEO wants to open a branch in Japan.
Remember to share your opinions and get other students to participate in the discussion.

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