This week's topic is: Personalization Changing Retail Culture
telco (n.) – a telecommunication company; enter the market (phrase) – to become involved with or participate in or a company making a trade
settle for (phrasal verb) – choose to accept and agree to something when it’s not what you really wanted
penetration rate (phrase) - The penetration rate (also called penetration, brand penetration or market penetration as appropriate) is the percentage of the relevant population that has purchased a given brand or category at least once in the time period under study
tech savvy (adj.) - well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology; cutting-edge (adj.) - the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something; a household name (n.) - a person or thing that is well known by the public; upping their game (idiom) - to try harder and improve the quality of what you are doing; within the (telco) sphere (phrase) – a section of society/business or an aspect of life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic.